October 2, 2015

Look book

Hey guys! So this is the first lool book I've ever done, so.. I'm not good at this! (HAHA)

I wanted to look simple but also cute for my photoshoot so I just put on a sponge bob tank top which I think is really cute, I just love it! and jeans shorts. I was also wearing black long socks! (It really matches!!!) Ohh and a "Bad hair day" cap!

This look is really simple and it looks amazing!!!

Here's one without the cap! HAHA
I was also wearing a black chocker necklace.

So that's it! I would like to say that I have a youtube channel and I'm going to post some look book videos there pretty soon. If don't know my channel yet, just go check it out and subscribe, I'll be uploading videos every week! xx See Ya!!!

October 1, 2015

Beauty obsession

Hey guys! So I want to talk about something that I see a lot!!
Girls trying too hard to be pretty and forgetting how awesome they are without even trying. If you're one of those, just stop it! I know it's hard, but if you are not feeling good with yourself, I'm here to tell you that I'm sure you are amazing just the way you are. Stop worrying about what others think of you, because yes, you are beautiful! Each person is unique. Don't stop eating what you like, don't stop doing what you love. Take care of yourself healthfully. I am writing this post because a friend I really care about is going through something like that. She's beautiful, she's amazing and yet, she tries too hard and it turned into bulimia. It's really sad when you see someone going through this kind of stuff. So please, don't do this, know that you are beautiful, and amazing, and you've got people who love you deeply!

and life is much more than that! xx

Love, Sabrina!

How to be happy

The best thing I read today!!!!


October is finally here!! My favorite month of the year.. Why's that? because of halloween of course!

Every year I celebrate this wonderfull month by watching good movies, eating crappy food (I mean, yummy haha), playing scary games.. Or whatever! I just enjoy this month so much so I thought I'd share a little bit of it with you guys, that's why I came up with this halloween series idea which I think is going to be awesome!

I'm going to be uploading videos about halloween the whole month. They're not going to be the same, of course! They're going to be random videos, but all about halloween. I hope you enjoy this, because I sure will. 
If you're not subscribed to my channel yet, just go and subscribe for more videos, ESPECIALLY the halloween series!!! xx

Welcome !!

Sabrina Bell.. just a girl who likes to create stuff and write, take lots of pictures.. Etc
Also a small YouTuber whose dreams are bigger than the world.

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