March 3, 2016

A wish..


Okay, I know it's almost impossible to travel the whole world, but you know you can try to know as many places as you possible can. " But I'm broke, I have no money to do such a thing".
It's okay, I get you!

I'm not much of a travel person.. but not because I don't want to, it's because I wasn't smart enough to stop spending money on things that don't matter, things I don't need, and start spending money travelling. But my dears... from now on, this is over!

 Okay, so let's be honest.. you bought that shoe, you thought it was so pretty and you guys were meant to be together?! You didn't really need it, did you?
My point is.. stop spending money on things you don't need, eventually you'll see that material objects don't really matter when you can save your money and start spending it on great trips, where you learn new things, meet new people. You're gonna have great stories to tell, and I think that's priceless.
 First of all, get a traveling notebook, write down name of places you want to meet. Also, get a piggy bank or whatever you want to put your money in.
  If you want to travel like RIGHT NOW (okay, not right now, but soon), you can sell some of the things you don't need anymore.. clothes, shoes, old instruments.. I don't know! Anything.
  You can also make a traveling planner. Anyway, I'll make another post about traveling pretty soon, when I get enough money to travel (HAHAHA), I'm broke :(
  Anyway, let's start our adventures! I hope you guys get to know all the place you've always wanted

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