April 13, 2016

Dear nostalgia..

Leave me alone! Time isn't coming back! Let me live now, the present! let me enjoy these moments because they are gonna be memories someday.. and if you keep bothering me, I will always have you by my side and that is not what I want. So please, just go!
Of course, I miss some people from the past, some great moments, simple moments that we only start noticing when they're already gone. And then we have new ones, a new routine, new people in our lives.. So let me live the present! let me enjoy this insignificant moment that will be a weird but nice memory someday, like many others. We know people, we have great moments together, life changes, and here we are.. right now! Some people leave, some people stay, and new people come and that's how it works. So please, my dear.. leave me alone!


                                                       - Sabrina

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